Door Cutscene Models

The Opening door cutscene models are separate from the door models in game. They are located in the Ademo folder of the Ajioka folder in the root.codemo and oodemo are the left doors while hodemo and nodemo are the right doors. they have numbers for what type of door it is.

Mdlconverter breaks the door function for the meshes and distorts them ,but lucky for you Goldenluigi Napier made template files so it would be a lot easier for you.

Just extract a vanilla door cutscene model as a dae and replace it with the stuff in which door it is depending on left or right.
Also set you blender clip start and end to this to edit the door properly and just rig what meshes you want for the door and place them at the right places in blender.

Other than that its like editing a normal mdl in mdlconverter.

Right Door in Blender

Left Door in blender