Camera Types
A list of the camera types that can be loaded with the script tag <CAMMODEON> in an event.
Camera Type 0:
The game's normal camera mode.
Camera Type 1:
Top down view. Used for Sir Weston's fight.
Camera Type 2:
Slightly zoomed out view. Used for Chauncey's boss fight.
Camera Type 3:
Zoomed out top down view. Used for Boolossus' boss fight.
Camera Type 4:
Slightly angled top down view. Used for Henry & Orville's fight.
Camera Type 5:
Locks the camera in place. Used for the ACCOUNT results screen.
Camera Type 6:
Bird's-eye view. Used for the falling Foyer Chandelier.
Camera Type 7:
Runs no unique code and ends up acting functionally similar to 5. (UNUSED)
Camera Type 8:
Zoomed out top down view that anchors to the origin point. Used for Bogmire's boss fight.
Camera Type 9:
Elevated slightly angled top down view. Used for Mr. Luggs' fight.
Camera Type 10:
Same as 9. Used for Biff Atlas' fight.
Camera Type 11:
Zoomed out view. Used for King Boo's boss fight.
Camera Type 12:
Same as 9. Used for Chauncey's Nursery fight.
Camera Type 13:
Elevated top down view. Used for Jarvis' minigame.